Booking System Help - Questions and Answers

Problems with the booking system are usually quickly resolved by referring to the answers for the most frequently asked questions below. There are issues with certain mobile devices that have unsuitably small screens and with AOL browsers. If you experience a browser problem we recommend that you try Google Chrome of Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Permit Conditions
  2. Where can I buy permits?
  3. How to register a profile?
  4. How to log on?
  5. Checking availability and buying permits online?
  6. Booking for more than one person?
  7. How do I set up My Friends?
  8. How to I update my profile?
  9. How do I change my password?
  10. Forgotten password?
  11. What do I do if I have forgotten my username?
  12. What do I do if I have any problems and need to contact the Club?
Permit Conditions
  Permits are valid only for the named user and are not transferrable to others. Permits may be cancelled but no refunds are given. To cancel please Email to cancel permit giving reservation number and details
Where can I buy permits
  Please book permits online from any suitable device connected to the internet. In any case, you must have first registered with the Club to create a profile. (See below).
How to register a profile
  Click on “book online” then on “Register”. Fill in the details requested, then press “Save”. Make sure that you complete the date of birth box using the calender, don't type a date into the box. If after hitting save registration fails look over the information you have provided, any unacceptable entry will have a message beside it. Take care to note the username and password you have chosen, you will need them to sign in to the system to make bookings. There is a "Keep me informed about special events" tick box. If this is ticked will will be able to inform you about future fishing opportunities as and when they occur. Once you have created a registration please do not create a duplicate if you happen to have lost your username or password - see instructions below.
How to log on
  Click on “book online” then enter your Username and Password into the “Sign In” and “Pass” boxes respectively (located near the top right of the screen just below the fish logo) and click the green   button. Once logged on, the green button will change to "Exit". When you have finished booking click the Exit button to log out. The system automatically terminates sessions after 20 minutes.
Checking availability and buying permits online
  Log on, then Click on Booking Calendars, hover over the + symbol to display a drop down menu "Selecting the Venue and Beat" and select a beat. A booking calendar for the beat will now be displayed. Use the > and < controls to choose the month. If you wish to buy a permit (or permits click on the date you wish and use the Add to cart button to add the permit(s) to the Cart. Additional permits for other dates or beats may also be added to the Cart before checking out. Once you have chosen your fishing, and wish to pay, click on Cart has (No of) bookings and follow the instructions as displayed to pay either by PayPal or by credit or debit card.  Please print off the permit(s) and carry them with you when fishing. Copies of the rules and any instructions that you require for each beat can be downloaded and printed from the information tabs on the booking system or from the information pages for each beat.
Booking for more than one person
  Boats. One permit only is required for the boat, and only one registered name is required.

For groups, every angler needs to have an individual registered profile and to have selected you as a Friend (link to specific FAQ on this) thereby authorising you to book on their behalf.
How do I set up My Friends
  Log on, then Click on My Friends to access the dialogue box that allows you to select persons who are already registered on the system to buy permits for you. Detailed help is displayed if you hover over the ? button. After you have selected your Friends, click on Save. Likewise, if you want to buy tickets for others, they require to be registered and have selected you as a Friend. Please ask them to do that before attempting to buy permits for them.
How to update your profile
  You must keep your profile up to date with your current postal address, email adress and phone numbers. Click on “book online” then enter your Username and Password into the “Sign In” and “Pass” boxes (located near the top right of the screen just below the fish logo) and click the green   button. Click on my profile and amend the details and then press Save.
Change password
  Click on “book online” then enter your Username and Password into the “Sign In” and “Pass” boxes (located near the top right of the screen just below the fish logo) and click the green   button. A button will be displayed to the top right of the screen next to your username. Hover your cursor over the button and click on the link to change your password. Change your password and press Save. Log out and sign in again to check that the change has occurred.
Forgotten password
  The system can email your password to the address stored in your profile. Just put your Username into the “Sign In” box then hover your cursor over the   button, click on Password? and follow instructions to get it emailed to you.
What do I do if I have forgotten my username
  Please email Please do not set up another profile for yourself.
What do I do if I have any problems and need to contact the Club
  Please email with details and we will respond as soon as possible.

You can download a flow diagram for booking online (pdf file) here